JavaScript API

The JavaScript API provides simple support for:

The API uses annotations on HTML elements to work out what to do, meaning that for simple cases you don’t need to write any JavaScript of your own.


To show you what the API’s capable of, we’ve built a demonstation page.

Getting started

The API can be used by including the following in your webpage:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>


The script locations (starting with //) are protocol-relative, and will be interpreted as http or https depending on how the web page was served.

If you don’t intend to use the auto-completion you can omit jquery-ui, and if you’re not going to be displaying maps, you can omit OpenLayers. If you’d prefer to use another version of jQuery or jQuery UI you should be aware that we can’t guarantee compatibility.

Displaying maps

Without JavaScript

Let’s start with an example:

<div class="dataox-map" data-lon="-1.259579" data-lat="51.76051" style="width:300px; height:300px"></div>

The map defaults to a zoom level of 14, which makes sense for displaying maps in the context of Oxford. If you want to use a different zoom, use a data-zoom attribute; lower numbers are zoomed out, and higher numbers (up to 18) are zoomed in.

With JavaScript

Here’s another example:"element-id", {
    lon: -1.259579,
    lat: 51.76051,
    zoom: 13

The first parameter to can be either an element ID, an HTML DOM element, or a jQuery object. The second parameter is a JavaScript object with lon and lat attributes, and optionally a zoom parameter.

Using OxPoints IDs

If you know the OxPoints IDs of some places you want to show, you can specify them as an attribute, and the API will look them up:

<div class="dataox-map" data-oxpoints-ids="23232373 40002001" style="width:300px; height:300px"></div>

Performing SPARQL queries

The API provides a small wrapper around jQuery for performing SPARQL queries which can be invoked as dataox.sparql:

dataox.sparql(query, callback)

Here’s an example, using data from the vacancy dataset:

// Here's a query for getting all current vacancies for IT Services or any
// of its sub-units.
var query = ["SELECT ?vacancy ?label ?homepage WHERE {",
             "  ?vacancy a vacancy:Vacancy ;",
             "    oo:organizationPart/^org:subOrganizationOf* <> ;",
             "    vacancy:applicationOpeningDate ?opening ;",
             "    vacancy:applicationClosingDate ?closing ;",
             "    rdfs:label ?label ;",
             "    foaf:homepage ?homepage",
             "  FILTER (?opening < now() && now() < ?closing)",

dataox.sparql(query, function(data) {
    // Find the UL which will contain the vacancy information
    var ul = $('ul#vacancies');

    // Loop through the bindings that were returned.
    for (var i=0; i<data.results.bindings.length; i++) {
        var binding = data.results.bindings[i];
        ul.append($('<li/>').append($('<a/>').attr('href', binding.homepage.value)

dataox.sparql() takes a SPARQL query as its first argument, and a callback as its second. The callback will receive a JavaScript object containing the results as SPARQL Results JSON.

For convenience, this function also sends the common_prefixes parameter, which means you don’t need to specify prefixes for a lot of prefixes.

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