The Open Data Service supports providing autocompletion functionality on form fields. This makes it easy for you to link your data to data held by the Open Data Service, or pull in extra data to enrich the information provided by your users.
The main search endpoint is at Using AJAX, one makes a request with the following parameters:
With a q of physics*, and a type of organization, this will return something like:
[{'label': 'Department of Physics',
'value': ''},
{'label': 'Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics',
'value': ''},
{'label': 'Particle Physics',
'value': ''},
{'label': 'Atomic and Laser Physics',
'value': ''},
{'label': 'Atmospheric Oceanic and Planetary Physics',
'value': ''},
{'label': 'Condensed Matter Physics',
'value': ''}]
This can be fed to the jQuery UI autocomplete plugin.
$(function() {
$('.autocomplete').each(function(i, e) {
e = $(e);
var searchURL = e.attr('data-search-url') || window.searchURL;
var h = $('<input type="hidden">').attr('name', e.attr('name')).val(e.val());
e.attr('name', e.attr('name') + '-label').after(h);
if (e.val()) {
var originalVal = e.val();
e.val("looking up…");
$.get(searchURL, {
q: "uri:\""+originalVal+"\"",
format: 'autocomplete',
type: e.attr('data-type')
}, function(data) {
e.val(data ? data[0].label : originalVal);
source: function(request, callback) {
$.get(searchURL, {
q: request.term + '*',
format: 'autocomplete',
type: e.attr('data-type')
}, callback, 'json');
minLength: 2,
focus: function(event, ui) {
return false;
select: function(event, ui) {
return false;