
OxPoints aims to provde full and accurate geolinking information for the University of Oxford.

The OxPoints dataset consists of names, postal addresses, web addresses and co-ordinates (latitude and longitude) for all the departments, colleges and other buildings/units of the University, along with some of the relationships between them.

The intent is that these data be usable in a wide variety of ways, from simple address queries to more complex maps and mash-ups.

Bespoke API

There is a bespoke OxPoints API documented on the IT Services website.

This API doesn’t expose any of the data in other datasets hosted through the Open Data Service, but does provide the following additional features:

  • You don’t need to understand SPARQL to use it
  • Time-based queries
  • More serialization formats (e.g. KML)

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The OxPoints data model

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